Gekihen and began the world situation, 0 years or historical turning ...

History repeats [also without momentum sold dollars in the situation ... Last year, looking back at the 0 years, it says that major changes in the whole world was wound happened a year. Is In the world politics, so far the United States from the cooperative principle of the world with a focus on the, noticeable remarkable rise of symbolized by the Trump President [populist = populism], it became a year strengthened its flow. In addition, to achieve the inter-Korean summit and US-North Korean summit meeting of the Korean Peninsula, inter-Korean fusion, such as take a historic first step towards a US-North Korean detente, there were also events in history. On the other hand, is at the global economy, US-China trade friction problem became a big topic of the market throughout the year. Occur retaliation battle of additional duty in the United States, it was the entire market is swayed by both countries of every move. In addition, the US Trump President a month expressed the withdrawal of Iran and the West, such as countries signed's nuclear agreement, that was re-invoke the economic sanctions against Iran, has lead to confusion of the stock market and crude oil market.

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